

If you’re here, there’s a chance you’re slightly overworked, and you’re trying to find that distant thing we call Balance. Or perhaps you don’t know what I’m talking about. What does balance even mean? Why should you care about it? From a balanced perpsective, your productivity will sky rocket far beyond what you imagined. Even beyond a place of being overworked. If fact, you don’t actually need to work yourself to burnout in order to be as productive as you can be. You can be stress free, anxious free and worry free virually all day!
It turns out that balance is everything. It’s everywhere. It pervades every area of life. Its the difference between burnout, and success. Between living healthily and living sickly. Between living to 50 and living to 100. It turns out that beneath everything we do, we’re all after balance. We just don’t realize it. Continue the article here….
Article of the Day

Become loose →Boost creativity, Productivity

Pause for a moment. Just close your eyes and ask, "What’s it like to be me right now?"
If there’s any tension in your body, focus on it. Ask, "If this tension could say one thing, what would it say?"
E.g., "I’m frustrated." "Why is this so difficult?" "It shouldn’t be taking this long." "I’d rather go eat." "I want to move around." "Do I really need this?"

Which of these thoughts do you believe? Actually, you don’t need to believe any of them, but simply return to the emotion. The thought might be provoking frustration. So then allow yourself to feel frustrated. Give yourself that permission. Your work probably IS frustrating, and you’re not allowing yourself to feel that way, hence you are holding tension in your body.
Imagine you’re writing an article. You’ve edited it, again and again. And now you feel frustrated. That emotional voice might be yelling out in anger. It might be saying, "Why do I care about it being this way or that?" What I’m suggesting that you do, is that you allow the contrary for just a moment. Say, "Screw what other people think! I’m tired of this shit. I’m gonna do it my way." Notice the emotional energy behind that statement.
We are swaying back and forth now, between perfectionism and creative freedom.
In a creative state, no one tells you what to do. Those, "it should be this way" thoughts don’t motivate your hands to type out things a certain way. No. There is only your fascination, curiosity, and joy.
In a perfectionistic way, you are keeping your target audience in mind. You're asking, "Will they like this?" "Will they enjoy this?" "Are they going to be amazed?"
The trick is balance. The middle ground between loose and tight. But again, returning to the foundation of trying to find balance: If you try to find it, you won’t get there. You’ll just make things tighter, and more perfectionistic. Why? Because you are being perfectionistic to yourself. The idea of you is based off an idea of how you’d like to please someone else.
Instead, the middle way is about letting go of yourself a little more and more. The more beliefs you remove about how something should be, the more freedom there is.
Hence, here’s a neat little trick: Stop Comparing. Don’t compare your stuff with someone else’s and don’t compare your stuff with your old stuff.
You might look at a lead magnet page and think, "Wow! I need to make my site look like this!" and then you’ll go about matching the styling… the borders.. the alignment .. all of those things. Stop it!
Creativity arises from a place of Joy. From a place of curiosity. When you are making something, are you thinking about yourself, and others? Or are you simply letting the brush move, letting the words come out, letting the page make itself. There is no thinking about what other people might think of your work. There is only the effortless expression of the present moment.
This is flow. This is balance. This is the middle way.

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